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turn over意思
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  • (使)翻过来,移交,反复考虑,大量卖出
  1. place into the hands or custody of;

    "hand me the spoon, please"
    "Turn the files over to me, please"
    "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"

  2. cause to overturn from an upright or normal position;

    "The cat knocked over the flower vase"
    "the clumsy customer turned over the vase"
    "he tumped over his beer"

  3. move by turning over or rotating;

    "The child rolled down the hill"
    "turn over on your left side"

  4. turn up, loosen, or remove earth;

    "Dig we must"
    "turn over the soil for aeration"

  5. do business worth a certain amount of money;

    "The company turns over ten million dollars a year"

  6. cause to move around a center so as to show another side of;

    "turn a page of a book"

  7. turn from an upright or normal position;

    "The big vase overturned"
    "The canoe tumped over"

  8. turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse;

    "flip over the pork chop"
    "turn over the pancakes"

  9. think about carefully; weigh;

    "They considered the possibility of a strike"
    "Turn the proposal over in your mind"

If youturn somethingover, or if itturns over, it is moved so that the top part is now facing downwards.

e.g. Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned itover curiously...
e.g. Iturned himover on his back…

If youturn over, for example when you are lying in bed, you move your body so that you are lying in a different position.

e.g. Ann turnedover in her bed once more.

If youturn somethingover in your mind, you think carefully about it.

turn over的反义词

e.g. Even when she didn't say anything you could see her turning thingsover in her mind.

If youturn somethingover to someone, you give it to them when they ask for it, because they have a right to it.

e.g. I would, indeed,turn the evidenceover to the police...
e.g. The lawyer turnedover the release papers.

If youturn over a job or responsibility that you have, you give it to someone else, so that you no longer have it.

e.g. The King mayturnover some of his official posts to his son...
e.g. Parliamentarians were eager toturnover responsibility for the decision.

If youturn over when you are watching television, you change to another channel.

e.g. Whenever he's on TV, Iturnover.

1. 周轉:使用一种叫做垂直折旧的方法(straight line method of depreciation).制造或买卖业的企业通常会被要求使用特殊的会计方法来决定其卖出存货的成本.而这种如何决定货物成本以及何时和如何使存货周转(turnover)的规则是非常的复杂,

2. 仔细考虑:turn out 关掉(收音机等生产,制造;驱逐;结果是 |turnover 仔细考虑 |turn to 变成;求助于,借助于

"turn over"的基本信息





